
Adventures in the dark with Pavel – Free version

Pavel and I got into a lot of trouble together, mostly by drinking and acting out, and I have no doubt that I kissed him more than any other man, including long-term boyfriends. Most people who saw us out together assumed we were boyfriends, which we were, to some extent. Whatever we were, we had a one-of-a-kind relationship. This night, we had even more fun than usual.

Adventures in the dark with Pavel – Free version 阅读更多 "


So. I had a “boyfriend” for, what, about ten days? I’d felt drafted into it anyway. The sex was voluntary, but the other trappings of some stupid gay relationship, such as insisting on sharing the cigarette I’m currently smoking or drinking off the beer I’m working on or wearing my hoody (well, actually I found

嫉妒的吉普赛男友和意外的性交 阅读更多 "

First, Alex. Then Daniel and I, two guys alone together in Valentino

Gypsy Alex wouldn’t go with me to Valentino for, perhaps, a little biznis, because he was waiting in the Kavarna for his boyfriend of 4 years. I’m comfortable describing him as gypsy because when I asked him if he was Czech, he said no, “I’m gypsy.” I don’t encounter such tribal assertions very often. The

First, Alex. Then Daniel and I, two guys alone together in Valentino 阅读更多 "
