

I’m in the first day of having no money at all. Just spent my last 29 Kč on this hour of Internet, mostly to send e-mails to potential roomies. Okay, I still have 7 Kč with which to buy, what? A bag full of rohliky  (the bland, sawdust-dry cigar-shaped tube of white bread that is a Czech staple, although I

ルームメイトが全くいない状態から4日目 続きを読む "

Subutex is not a drug and other stupid shit George has said about his drug dependency

So, I’ve been wondering where George’s money has been going (although Martin has paid me back, George still owes 5000 Kc in rent that was due over 15 days ago). Okay, I knew it was going in the general direction of The Junkie’s Playground, I just didn’t know what drug specifically. He has all the signs: never has

Subutex is not a drug and other stupid shit George has said about his drug dependency 続きを読む "
